What Country Matches You?
What’s your nationality? Ok, sure, you most likely think that’s a dumb question. But, what’s your drinking nationality? Whether you’re a tee-totaler or an occasional imbiber, take the quiz right now and find out what country your habits are most like. As for me? Well, my two glasses of red wine this week put me as a…… Continue Reading
The Best Christmas Movies to Stream on Netflix
Don’t want to leave the house this weekend? Don’t worry! Click here to check out the list of the best holiday movies to stream on Netflix right now. Have fun binging…and make sure to get up from the couch for a hot toddy! Alli… Continue Reading
Too Much Christmas Music Can Drive You Crazy
Christmas music may be all around, but don’t listen to too much of it!… Continue Reading
Twisted Trivia: December 15, 2017
40,000 Americans are injured by these every year…what are they? A: Toilets. If you’re wondering how we get hurt by toilets, here goes: Pinching due to splits in plastic seats or by splinters from wooden seats, or if the toilet itself collapses under the weight of the user. Older high tank cast iron cisterns have…… Continue Reading
Twisted Trivia: December 13, 2017
According to a recent survey, 62% of all U.S. women say they have these at least once a week, what is it? Bad hair days…and 20% of all U.S men have no hair days every day!… Continue Reading