The Most Hilarious Super Bowl Commerical
This was the best commercial!… Continue Reading
Twisted Trivia – February 5, 2018
Q: There’s an additional sound that helps people fall asleep – like ocean sounds, rainfall and white noise, what is this sound? Hint: Think food! A: The sound of bacon cooking! Experts say, for some individuals, it is relaxing. Unless you’re a pig.… Continue Reading
This Sunday on AT40: 1974
This Sunday from 9am – noon enjoy Casey Kasem’s vintage AT40 from this week in 1974. Break out the bell bottoms as Badfinger, and Nilsson do a tune written by Badfinger are back-to-back in the Top Ten. Will Don McLean’s song about The Day The Music Died continue its dominance, or will it be unseated…… Continue Reading
Twisted Trivia – February 2, 2018
Q: According to the latest surveys, what is the most popular Super Bowl party food? A: Chicken Wings! And number two is Buffalo Chicken Dip followed by chips & dip and pizza.… Continue Reading