Q: What 1984 movie had a character named Dr. Raymond Stantz? A: Ghostbusters. Ray Stantz played by Dan Aykroyd.… Continue Reading

Q: What 1984 movie had a character named Dr. Raymond Stantz? A: Ghostbusters. Ray Stantz played by Dan Aykroyd.… Continue Reading
Q: According to a new study, this trait does not depreciate with age. What is it? A: Sense of humor… Continue Reading
Q: In 1982, this British group named after an amphetamine, had a huge hit. Name the group and the song. A: Dexys Midnight Runners — Come On Eileen… Continue Reading
Q: 25% of these are overweight. What are they? A: Pets!… Continue Reading
Q: What TV character said this? “There’s 3 moments in a man’s life — when he buys a house, when he buys a car and when he buys a color TV.” A: Archie Bunker… Continue Reading
Q: This game has 24 circles. What is it? A: Twister! And it’s a game that doesn’t need batteries or electricity, so might be a nice choice of home entertainment as you ride out Florence.… Continue Reading
Q: This movie star, early in his career, played a blacksmith on TV. Who is he? A: Burt Reynolds… Continue Reading
Q: Who does the voice of Dory in FINDING NEMO? A: Ellen DeGeneres… Continue Reading
Q: What was Edith Bunker’s maiden name on ALL IN THE FAMILY? A: Baines… Continue Reading
Q: His real name is David Robert Jones — by what name do we know him better? A: David Bowie. He changed it to avoid confusion with Davy Jones of the Monkees.… Continue Reading