What was the name of Billy Joel’s First band? Answer: The Echoes… Continue Reading

What was the name of Billy Joel’s First band? Answer: The Echoes… Continue Reading
Which celebrity produced George Lopez’s self-titled hit show? Answer: Sandra Bullock… Continue Reading
Known for their love of surfing, which Beach Boy is the only one who can actually surf? Answer: Dennis Wilson… Continue Reading
Before they were The Beach Boys, the band was named what? Answer: The Pendletones… Continue Reading
Kix and Food Lion want to provide a Holiday without [blank]? Answer: Hunger Help us feed those in our community by making a donation to Food Lion today. You’ll be able to purchase a $5 “Holidays Without Hunger” box, and Food Lion will deliver your purchased box directly to a local food bank or agency.…… Continue Reading
Every four seconds, someone opens a can of what? Answer: Spam… Continue Reading
Q: He did commercials for FTD, played in the NFL and hung out on the prairie. Who is he? A: Merlin Olsen… Continue Reading
Q: Who told us they sang the 1989 hit song, “Girl You Know it’s True.” A: Milli Vanilli, except they didn’t sing it. They lip synced!… Continue Reading
Q: This TV comedy — on NBC from 1996-2001 — featured the Solomon family. What’s the TV show? A: Third Rock From The Sun… Continue Reading
Q: 93% of all Americans do this at least one hour every week. What is it? A: Listen to AM or FM radio… Continue Reading