What well known Christmas carol became the 1st song ever broadcast from space in 1965? Answer: Jingle Bells… Continue Reading

What well known Christmas carol became the 1st song ever broadcast from space in 1965? Answer: Jingle Bells… Continue Reading
Which is faster, Hot or Cold? Hot because you can easily catch a cold.… Continue Reading
Today’s Sound of Summer is a the Crack of a Baseball!… Continue Reading
Today’s Sound of Summer is an Ice Cream Truck!… Continue Reading
Today’s Sound of Summer is a Seagull at the Beach!… Continue Reading
Today’s Sound of Summer was Diving into a Swimming Pool!… Continue Reading
Today’s sound of summer was a Lawn Mower!… Continue Reading
I am light as a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much more than a minute. What am I? A: Breath… Continue Reading
Where does Friday come before Thursday? Answer: In the Dictionary… Continue Reading
How many animals did Moses take on the ark? Answer: Zero, Noah took animals.… Continue Reading