It’s always nice to see the Triangle give a little love, and get some in return.… Continue Reading
It’s always nice to see the Triangle give a little love, and get some in return.… Continue Reading
There’s a new list (of course there is) of the 33 best songs to come out of movies. I’ve gotta say, I agree with many of them…although to be completely honest, I’m going to take a pass on “My Heart Will Go On” from Titanic. Yes, I get that song was huge and defines what…… Continue Reading
At the Carolina Theatre this weekend, their Fantasic Realm series will show all kinds of classics on the big screen, and some of them will be shown in 3-D! Check out the lineup here, and get ready to recite every line you know by heart. (Psst! The Princess Bride is showing. Inconceivable!) –Alli… Continue Reading
…and they didn’t. Bull Durham is without a doubt, a GREAT movie. But is it the BEST movie set in North Carolina? What do you think? When I was scrolling through this list, saying out loud, “don’t say Bull Durham. Don’t say Bull Durham,” I was pleased to see that the people that chose this…… Continue Reading
The best binge-watching event is finally here: the Olympic games have begun! What is it about these games (and the Summer games, too) that makes us love to watch the weird sports? Skeleton. Curling. Luge. Biathlon. They’re all here, and you can see them all. Click the link below to see when and where. Just…… Continue Reading
Whiskey is apparently the healthiest drink you can have. Well, not really…but really. It has to do with sciency stuff and the fact that whiskey is the only thing that will kill all the bacteria that’s in your drink’s ice. See for yourself ! Why Whiskey is the Healthiest… Continue Reading
Just about every major television provider is raising its rates in 2018. See if your bill’s going up here and think about it: more people are cutting the cord, so TV companies have to raise their rates to stay in business. Those raised rates may lead to more people cutting the cord. A vicious cycle? You…… Continue Reading
The world’s most expensive vodka was stolen…and then was found on a Danish building site. The vodka was worth $1.3 million bucks–and they found the bottle empty, Seems the thief was thirsty, because he drank what was inside and just left the bottle. The joke may be on him, though: the bottle was where the…… Continue Reading
What’s your nationality? Ok, sure, you most likely think that’s a dumb question. But, what’s your drinking nationality? Whether you’re a tee-totaler or an occasional imbiber, take the quiz right now and find out what country your habits are most like. As for me? Well, my two glasses of red wine this week put me as a…… Continue Reading
Don’t want to leave the house this weekend? Don’t worry! Click here to check out the list of the best holiday movies to stream on Netflix right now. Have fun binging…and make sure to get up from the couch for a hot toddy! Alli… Continue Reading