Q: His real name is Richard Starkey, by what name do we know him? A: Ringo Starr. Why Ringo? Because he used to wear a lot of rings and he also like country music.… Continue Reading

Q: His real name is Richard Starkey, by what name do we know him? A: Ringo Starr. Why Ringo? Because he used to wear a lot of rings and he also like country music.… Continue Reading
This Saturday from 6am – 10am, you get two chances to enjoy a classic American Top 40 with Casey Kasem and the best songs this week 1985. Julian Lennon’s new song sounds a lot like his dad, David Lee Roth remakes the Beach Boys, “Loverboy” (Billy Ocean) and “Lovergirl” (Teena Marie) are in the survey.…… Continue Reading
Q: What is the most common speed limit sign in the United States? A: 25 MPH, and it is also the most ignored speed limit sign in the United States!… Continue Reading
Yes, you read that right! The 2018 Mullet Festival just happened in Australia!… Continue Reading
Yes, you read that right. Nothing says romance like a grocery store!… Continue Reading
This is too cute! These Canadian deer are better at obeying stop signs than some humans!… Continue Reading
Q: Who is the Greek Goddess of victory? Hint: She’s NOT the Goddess of Running Shoes. A: Nike… Continue Reading
I don’t care what Kirstie Alley says, curling IS cool! What other sport gives you a chance to work on your domestic god or goddess skills? – Rick.… Continue Reading
Urban Axes, the country’s leading indoor axe-throwing company, announced that their fifth facility will open in Durham.… Continue Reading
This Sunday from 9am – noon enjoy Casey Kasem’s vintage AT40 from this week in 1978. It’s a Brothers Gibb Dynasty: The Bee Gees have 3 hits in the Top 10, plus a smash by little brother Andy, AND the Gibbs singing on Samantha Sang’s “Emotion”. Look out for Queen, Billy Joel, and Dan Hill…… Continue Reading