Listen to how Will Smith met Michael Jackson!… Continue Reading

Listen to how Will Smith met Michael Jackson!… Continue Reading
This Sunday from 9am – noon KIX continues Vinyl Weekend with Casey Kasem’s AT40 from this week in 1978. A Record Player favorite, the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack rules the charts with 3 songs in the top 20, newcomer Ray Parker Jr. and Raydio are in the Top 10, and Kannapolis NC’s George Clinton and…… Continue Reading
YUCK! But guilty. … Continue Reading
This Saturday from 6am – 10am you get two chances to hear a classic American Top 40 with Casey Kasem and the best songs this week in 1984. Movie music from “Against All Odds” and “Footloose” leads the way, love songs by Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson, and Lionel Richie ramp up the Swoon Factor,…… Continue Reading
Join us at Coastal Credit Union Music Park for the Second Annual Summer Kickoff Celebration! Admission is Free!… Continue Reading
This is for people who can give up a certain amount of control. Could you do it?… Continue Reading
Q: This was unveiled on this date at the 1964 World’s Fair in New York and went on to become an American legend. What is it? A: Ford Mustang. Base price: $2368.… Continue Reading
Q: Who shot J.R? A: Kristin. From the 1979-80 season of the amazingly popular nighttime soap, DALLAS. Kristin was J.R.’s mistress and his wife’s sister.… Continue Reading
Check out where to go to get awesome Tax Day deals and freebies!… Continue Reading
Each year on April 16th, around the time taxes are due in the United States; it is time to let go of the stress and wear your pajamas to work.… Continue Reading