Tedeschi Trucks Band announce the third installment of their wildly popular Wheels of Soul Summer Tour. The 12-piece ensemble led by husband and wife Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi will be supported on all dates by longtime friends and collaborators The Wood Brothers and Hot Tuna. The tour is scheduled to hit some of the country’s premier outdoor venues on the most ambitious Wheels of Soul tour to date. After four consecutive sold-out shows at Red Rocks for TTB, this year’s tour adds a second night at the illustrious Colorado amphitheatre, with special plans in the works to make both nights unique events.
Venue: Red Hat Amphitheater
500 South McDowell Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
Raleigh, NC 27601
Phone: 919-996-8800
Website: http://www.redhatamphitheater.com/