Join Doug Austin at Ole Time Barbecue to celebrate their 25th Anniversary!
Doug will be there from 11a – 1pm, but the anniversary celebration runs until 5pm!
We’ll have your last chance to win tickets to see Steely Dan and the Doobie Brothers!
Ole Time Barbecue will be giving away gift cards every hour!
Specially designed 25th Anniversary t-shirts will be available for purchase, and for every 1 lb. of barbecue or anniversary t-shirt purchased, you will be entered in a contest to win a pig-pickin’ for 50 people.
Plus – Ole Time Barbecue is rolling back prices to 1993!
- BBQ plates with two sides $4.50
- BBQ trays with slaw $3.95
- Desserts $.99
- BBQ Sandwiches $1.95
Ole Time Barbecue is located at 6309 Hillsborough Street in Raleigh – Just look for the yellow awning!