Formerly a Jersey Girl, Alli’s lived in the Triangle since 2008 and now considers Raleigh her home. If it’s fun, she’s on it. If it’s local or interesting, she’s there. All that fun needs a good soundtrack, and Alli loved one of those, too. She loves the beach and anything to do with water.
Alli is married to an Englishman who has recently become an American, and lives in North Raleigh with her husband, two stepchildren, and a menagerie of animals including her dramatic Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Attlee. You can follow his exploits and see pics on his super-dramatic Instagram page.
Listen to Alli weekends on Kix!

This Commercial Wins Christmas
…as it does, every year. British department store John Lewis puts out the best Christmas commercials every. single. year. This one will tug at your heart strings, too, and in the process will make monsters under the bed the new hottest must-have this year under the tree. Enjoy! –Alli … Continue Reading

Veteran or Active Duty? Eat Free Today!
If you’re a veteran or active duty, first, let me say: thank you for your service. I don’t think it can be said enough that we as Americans appreciate you and sometimes take you for granted for what you do. Thank you! And, there are plenty of businesses who want to show you some love…… Continue Reading

Raleigh’s Last “Best Kept Secret” is Out
Thanks a lot, Thrillist. Actually, we really mean that–because they’ve included Raleigh’s downtown Warehouse District as one of the 12 neighborhoods in America that are about to get “crazy popular.” Why? Well, they say it’s for a number of reasons, including the $80-million dollar The Dillon, under construction on S. Harrington Street. If you haven’t spent…… Continue Reading

Ready or Not…Here Christmas Comes!
Newsflash: you’ve got just 65 days until the holidays. If you’re like me, that means anxiety because you’ve gotta get shopping! Luckily for you, I’ve got the list of what Good Housekeeping says are going to be the hottest toys for this year’s season. Are you ready? You’d better be! Ready, set…go! –Alli Good Housekeeping’s…… Continue Reading

Pumpkin Patches, Corn Mazes, Scares and More!
Yep, it’s already that time. The time for pumpkin everything. Corn mazes, perfect for the little witch or wizard in your life, are everywhere. Wanna know where to take the kids or grandkids this weekend and heading into the Halloween season? Here’s a handy-dandy list for family-friendly fun AND scary stuff, too! –Alli… Continue Reading